Friday, June 27, 2008

Family Night at the NICU

Tonight we went to the NICU with Taylor. She hasn't been very many times, but she does pretty good for the most part when we are there. She was very excited that she got to sit on my lap while i held Luke. All she kept asking for was to hold his hand.
Today was a big day for all the babies. Livie (top Picture) no longer has her nose prongs. Yay...we finally are getting to see more of her face. Luke and Sophie have been doing so good on there feeds that both of there IVs came out today. It was so nice to hold them and they not be attached to as many things any more. The Drs. are hoping they are off there nose prongs to in the next week.

Gary got his first cuddles with Sophie tonight and she is looking like such a big girl now that the nurses are putting sleepers on her. So tommorow i will be washing premie clothes so that they are wearing there own clothes.

Grandpa's Vist With Sophie

Last night after moving the new Play Center into our backyard. Grandpa Morton and I went into the NICU to see the babies. The nurse told us it wasn't to long till she needed to feed Sophie and at the same time her isolet needed changed so if we wanted to stay we could hold her while she did all the things that she needed to.
That being said Grandpa got his first cuddles with Sophie. So far other then Gary and I he is the only one to have gotten cuddle time with any of the babies.
Today Sophie will move onto what they call full feeds of a whopping 13ml of formula every 2 hours, she well get that until she is almost 34 weeks and we start introducing her to the bottle then her feeds will start to go up again. Tomorrow Luke will be up to his full feeds as well. Livie is getting better everyday and we are hoping that in the next couple of days the drs. will have more of an idea what they are going to do with her, so that they can start increasing her feeds and start getting her ready to move to the A pod. It will be nice to have then all in the same area.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Big Step in the Right Direction

There are many moments that as a mom I can say have been great mommy moments. I had another one of those moments today.

I called the NICU to check on our little ones and found out that Sophie and Luke have been moved to the same curtain spot!!!! If that wasn't exciting enough, the nurse then told me that Sophie no longer needed her Protein and Lipids that they have been giving her by IV cause she is gaining and maintaining her weight very well, so that means if she continues that way she will have her IVs all removed in a couple of days and only have her nose prongs and feeding tube. They also said that tomorrow they are going to try and take Luke off his protein and lipid IV and if he does well he too will have his IVs removed. I am so excited at the prospect of being able to see and hold them with out so much attached to them all the time.

Livie is recovering still from her infection, but is doing very well, she is growing fast and has had no bratys today, which means that when her infection is all cleared up she should be moving to the A pod, and after being there she is closer to being in the same curtain area with the other two.

Taylor has been having a lot of fun being home, and can't seem to get enough of playing outside and with her friends. I am going to miss her tons when she is gone for 2 weeks, but at least when she gets home I should be doing almost everything that I want to do again.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I probably should have added pictures

Taylor - taken April 2008
Sophie-Taken June 15th

Luke- Taken June 15th

Livie-taken June 16th
So today the babies are two weeks old, and we are in need of some newer pictures of the 3 of them, especially cause all three are now and nose prongs and you can get a better idea of what their little faces look like.

New Begginings

Who says blog spots are easy??? I have a hard time deciding what to write and how to get started. So bear with me as a muddle through getting this whole blogging thing down. I will admit that one of the main reasons I am starting this blog is that we get many questions daily on how the triplets are doing, and I find myself sending the same message over and over again. At least here I can post pictures and information and keep our families and friends updated. Especially seeing as my time is limited and I generally forget to send pictures to those who ask ect.

So quick update. The babies are all doing great. For those of you who don't know they where born on June 11, 2008. Livie Myrna weighed 2lbs 6oz, Luke Myron weighed 2lbs 7oz and Sophie Lynne weighed 2lbs 7oz.

Taylor is so in love with them and this week she was able to hold their hands when we went to see them with her. The babies are all doing wonderful and are starting to fill out there features. Livie had a rough spell for a couple of days, but is bouncing back fast. Sophie and Luke have been moved to A pod, which is a great step, cause it means we are getting closer to being transfered to the PLC. Which would be great cause it isn't as long of a drive in everyday.

Taylor just got back from a week in Magrath where she had a ton of fun. We missed her tons and are glad to have her back.